building a hollow wooden sup

This is an older post, I recently checked my older posts and all my pictures where gone !.
After googling why they had gone and where my pioctures went to.
I found out that all your pictures are stored on picassa. I sometimes use Picassa to change my pictures a little bit.
But that's it.

Well it seems that when I was cleaning up my picassa, deleting some older pictures which I don't use, I probably also deleted an album.
And well, you can guess it, in this album where a lot of pics stored wich i have used in my older blog posts.

Luckily I still have some pics saved on my computer so I can replace some.  I will delete a lot of posts, because it's a lot of work to find the right picture for the right post.pfff

So don't delete any pics from Picassa.     some advice.

check out part 2:
building a wooden sup 2

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