Industrial steampunk lamp Part 1

Steampunk Lamp, Part 1.

 This morning I woke up with the idea to make a steampunk lamp, after searching in my shed for all my old bits, I started with the lamp.

First I screwed a plank to my workbench to screw the fitting down.

I drilled a hole to get the wire through.

 Here I got the wires through the pipe, I am finding it more difficult then I thought. Because I am using old bits, everything is in different sizes., 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch.

Pfff It's like a giant puzzle.

Here I got the wire trough but I could't get through the next few bends, so I just drilled a hole and this piece of cable will be visible.

I have soldered everything together.

 Here some pics,
The base needs to be sanded and stained,  And I want it all the same colour so I will need to paint some parts, don't want to paint the copper.

 It's starting to look better, but  still want to add more things.

So this is part 1, will be continued....

Update: Sorry, there will not be a part 2, I didn't like the lamp so I have dismantled it


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