
Showing posts from May, 2013

building a sandwich house 1

Because we are going to build a small house in the countryside, we have made a concrete foundation. All the concrete has been mixed with a small mixer because there is no access for a lorry with concrete. The thickness of the concrete is between 12 and 15 cm, the steel mesh is 6 mm thick. All the waste pipes are already been placed, pvc pipes 110 mm. The house is gonna be around 50 square meters and will be made of sandwich panels. I will place more pics when I will start building it.

installing decking

installing decking, plastic. the decking is screwed down on wooden impregnated battens,  a lot of screws !!!

building a wooden sup 2

I have brought the board outside, so you can have a look at the inner structure I am making a lot of progress with my board, my goal is the make a board from leftovers. I know it will be heavier than it should be, but i am saving a lot of weight to cut everything as thin as possible. I also drilled some holes in the ribs. This is the rear of the board, notice that I installed a plug so that later I can ventilate the board. sanding,sanding the fin is also finished, I don't like it as it is.  If I got some more extra time  I would like to add a few more strips to make it bigger. the bottom is also finished, because i don't want to buy any wood all the strips have been cut from leftovers. pfff a lot of work. Here you can see that the bottom isn't all the way flat, towards the nose the board is round.   the more clamps the better, i also used a paint bucket to add some weight to keep the strips in place. building a hollow wooden sup

building an extra bedroom

cavity wall with loadbearing bricks rendering with sand and cement, rustic style almost finished, only need to install the windows

building a hollow wooden sup

This is an older post, I recently checked my older posts and all my pictures where gone !. After googling why they had gone and where my pioctures went to. I found out that all your pictures are stored on picassa. I sometimes use Picassa to change my pictures a little bit. But that's it. Well it seems that when I was cleaning up my picassa, deleting some older pictures which I don't use, I probably also deleted an album. And well, you can guess it, in this album where a lot of pics stored wich i have used in my older blog posts. Luckily I still have some pics saved on my computer so I can replace some.  I will delete a lot of posts, because it's a lot of work to find the right picture for the right post.pfff So don't delete any pics from Picassa.     some advice. check out part 2: building a wooden sup 2